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Fight for Every Child: 150+ Social Media Messages for World Day Against Child Labour

50 Quotes to share and raise awareness against child labour on World Day Against Child Labour

  • Children should not work in fields but on dreams.
  • Childhood is for learning, not earning.
  • Let children be children, not workers.
  • Every child deserves a childhood, not a paycheck.
  • Childhood lost is a future dimmed.
  • The hands that hold pencils should never be forced to hold tools.
  • Education is the birthright of every child, not a privilege for the few.
  • Childhood is priceless, not cheap labor.
  • Child labour steals dreams and shatters futures.
  • Childhood is a time to play, not toil.
  • A child’s place is in school, not in sweatshops.
  • The cost of child labour: a stolen childhood.
  • Childhood lost can never be regained.
  • Every child has the right to be free, not enslaved.
  • Childhood is sacred, not for sale.
  • The scars of child labour are carried for a lifetime.
  • A child’s hands belong in books, not in factories.
  • Childhood is a right, not a commodity.
  • A child’s laughter is priceless; their labor is not.
  • Childhood is fleeting, let’s not steal it away.
  • Child labour: an injustice that stains our world.
  • The future of our world depends on the rights of our children.
  • Childhood is the foundation of a bright future.
  • The hands of children should be held, not exploited.
  • Every child has the right to a future filled with hope, not despair.
  • Childhood is a treasure, not a burden.
  • A child’s worth is immeasurable, not expendable.
  • Childhood is not a privilege, it’s a right.
  • Childhood is a time for growth, not exploitation.
  • Childhood should be nurtured, not exploited.
  • Child labour is a stain on humanity.
  • Education is the key to unlock a child’s potential.
  • Childhood is a journey, not a destination.
  • Every child deserves the chance to chase their dreams, not be chased by poverty.
  • Childhood should be filled with love and laughter, not labor.
  • Childhood is a time for imagination, not exploitation.
  • The hands of children should shape the future, not bear the burden of the present.
  • Childhood is a gift, not a commodity to be sold.
  • The smallest hands should be held, not forced to work.
  • Every child deserves the chance to soar, not toil in the shadows.
  • Childhood is a time for discovery, not drudgery.
  • A child’s worth is immeasurable, not exploitable.
  • Childhood should be filled with wonder, not worry.
  • The chains of child labour must be broken.
  • Every child deserves the chance to learn, not earn.
  • Childhood is the light that illuminates the path to a better world.
  • The true wealth of a nation lies in the well-being of its children.
  • The future belongs to our children; let’s not steal it from them.
  • Childhood is the foundation upon which dreams are built.
  • Every child deserves the chance to shine, not suffer.

50 World Day Against Child Labour Slogans

  • Stop Child Labour, Start Education.
  • Childhood is Not for Sale.
  • Break the Chains, End Child Labour.
  • Education, Not Exploitation.
  • Let Children Learn, Not Earn.
  • Protect Childhood, Say No to Child Labour.
  • Every Child Deserves a Childhood.
  • Childhood Lost is a Future Denied.
  • Stop Child Labour: It’s Everyone’s Responsibility.
  • Children Should Play, Not Work.
  • Raise Your Voice Against Child Labour.
  • Childhood is Precious, Let’s Preserve It.
  • No Child Should Work in Fields, But Dreams.
  • End Child Labour for a Brighter Future.
  • Children Are Not Tools, They Are Our Future.
  • Childhood Should Be Carefree, Not Laborious.
  • Break the Silence, End Child Labour.
  • Invest in Education, Eradicate Child Labour.
  • Say Yes to School, No to Child Labour.
  • Childhood is Priceless, Let’s Protect It.
  • Children Deserve Love, Not Labour.
  • Child Labour Robs Innocence, Stop It Now.
  • Don’t Steal Childhoods, Say No to Child Labour.
  • Education: The Weapon Against Child Labour.
  • Together, Let’s End Child Exploitation.
  • Childhood Lost Can Never Be Regained.
  • Child Labour is a Crime Against Humanity.
  • For a Brighter Tomorrow, Say No to Child Labour Today.
  • Education Is a Right, Child Labour Is a Plight.
  • Let’s Empower Children, Not Exploit Them.
  • Every Child Deserves Freedom From Labour.
  • Childhood Should Be About Dreams, Not Drudgery.
  • Childhood: Don’t Trade It for Labor.
  • Break the Chains, Let Children Soar.
  • Protect Children’s Rights, Stop Child Labour.
  • Stop Child Labour Before It Stops Childhoods.
  • Childhood is Non-Negotiable, End Child Labour.
  • Education: The Best Prevention Against Child Labour.
  • Together, Let’s Build a Child Labour-Free World.
  • A Child’s Place Is in School, Not at Work.
  • Childhood Dreams Shouldn’t Be Drowned in Labour.
  • No Child Should Carry the Burden of Labour.
  • Childhood Should Be Filled With Laughter, Not Labour.
  • Let’s Stand Up Against Child Labour Together.
  • Education Is the Foundation, Not Exploitation.
  • A Child’s Work Is to Play, Not to Toil.
  • Childhood Should Be a Time of Joy, Not Work.
  • For a Brighter Future, Let Children Learn, Not Earn.
  • Childhood is Sacred, Let’s Protect It.
  • Join the Fight, End Child Labour Tonight.

World Day Against Child Labour Whatsapp Status

  • Today and every day, let’s stand against child labour. #WorldDayAgainstChildLabour
  • Childhood is a right, not a privilege. Say no to child labour! #EndChildLabour
  • Every child deserves the chance to learn, grow, and dream. Let’s end child labour together.
  • Education is the key to breaking the cycle of child labour. #StopChildLabour
  • On World Day Against Child Labour, let’s raise awareness and take action to protect children’s rights.
  • Childhood should be filled with laughter, not labour. Say no to child exploitation.
  • Let’s work together to create a world where every child can thrive free from the shackles of labour.
  • Today, let’s renew our commitment to ending child labour and ensuring every child’s right to education.
  • Childhood is priceless. Let’s protect it by ending child labour. #WorldDayAgainstChildLabour
  • Together, we can make a difference in the lives of millions of children. Say no to child labour.
  • आज और हर दिन, हम बाल श्रम के खिलाफ खड़े हों। #विश्व_बाल_श्रम_विरोध_दिवस
  • बचपन एक अधिकार है, न कि विशेषाधिकार। बाल श्रम को खत्म करें! #बाल_श्रम_खत्म_करो
  • हर बच्चा सीखने, बढ़ने, और सपने देखने का मौका हासिल करता है। हम मिलकर बाल श्रम को खत्म करें।
  • शिक्षा बाल श्रम के चक्र को तोड़ने की कुंजी है। #बाल_श्रम_रोको
  • बाल श्रम के खिलाफ जागरूकता बढ़ाने और कदम उठाने का दिन है, आओ बच्चों के अधिकारों की रक्षा करें।
  • बचपन को हंसी से भर देना चाहिए, कठिन परिश्रम से नहीं। बाल शोषण को नकारें।
  • हम साथ मिलकर एक ऐसी दुनिया बना सकते हैं जहां हर बच्चा श्रम के बंधनों से मुक्त हो सकता है।
  • आज, हम बाल श्रम को समाप्त करने और हर बच्चे के शिक्षा के अधिकार को सुनिश्चित करने के लिए अपनी प्रतिबद्धता को नवीनीकरण करते हैं।
  • बचपन अमूल्य है। इसे संरक्षित करें बाल श्रम को खत्म करके। #विश्व_बाल_श्रम_विरोध_दिवस
  • मिलकर, हम करोड़ों बच्चों के जीवनों में अंतर कर सकते हैं। बाल श्रम को नकारें।

Anurag's forte lies in the art of journalistic storytelling. With a robust six-year tenure in the field, he's delved into a plethora of subjects, ranging from politics to technology. Anurag's keen observations and unwavering dedication to precise reporting render him an indispensable cornerstone of our news platform.

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